ԳԼԽԱՎՈՐ ԷՋ » 2013 » Մայիս » 19 » ''Loan-words in american immigrant's speech in "How the devil came down the Division street": Course work: 17 page:
''Loan-words in american immigrant's speech in "How the devil came down the Division street": Course work: 17 page: |
13:57 |
''Loan-words in american immigrant's speech in "How the devil came down the Division street" yev <<the efficiency of metaphor in american city life in the story of <<Pilar of self>>
1. Joyce, P. W.: English as We Speak It in Ireland, 2nd ed.; London, 1910. 2. Matthews, Brander: On the Naturalization of Foreign Words, Bookman, vol. iv, p. 433 3. What is Pure English? (in Essays on English; New York, 1921). Navarino, James: The Slavoníc Element in English, English, March, 1921, p. 468. 4. Pound, Louise: Domestication of a Suffix (-ski), Dialect Notes, vol. iv, p. 304. The Jocularization of French Words and Phrases in Present-Day American Speech, Dialect Notes, vol. v, p. 77. 5. Domestication of the Suffix -fest, Dialect Notes, vol. iv, p. 353. Scott, Fred N.: Pronunciation of Spanish-American Words, Modern Language Notes, vol. vi, p. 435. 6. Sproull, Wm. O.: Hebrew and Rabbinical Words in Present Use, Hebraica, Oct., 1890. 7. Tallichet, H.: A Contribution Towards a Vocabulary of Spanish and Mexican Words Used in Texas, Dialect Notes, vol. i, p. 185, p. 243 and p. 324. 8. Vizetelly, Frank H.: The Foreign Element in English, New Age, Oct., 1913.
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